Tuesday, 5 June 2012

4th June 2012 - The Crow says "God Bless You, Ma'am!"

When I am Supreme Leader of the Workers' Party and the Leader of the Glorious Revolution I may have to crush the Thrice-Cursed Cabal of Traitors and Puppets in Parliament and Monarchy but in the meantime I went up the Worcester Beacon last night with a bevy of busty beauties, worth a thousand enemy, their chests bursting with patriotic pride, and a few Soldier-Worker Comrades, ardent for the downfall of the Imperialist Puppet Warmonger Clique, to watch the celebrations.

Mrs P with fake ears
Sitting on a hill waiting for something to happen
Still sitting on a hill waiting for something to happen
Someone manages to get the thing alight at last


Cod said...

Well I am very pleased to see that something did indeed happen upon your hill!! Perhaps the flaring inferno that you caused was the reason for the splendid full moon that we had last night. Failed to take any photos and anyway, would be hard pushed to work out how to add it to this blog - you know how technically useless I am!!! Good to keep in touch you all...!!!

Neil said...

He speaks! There is life in South Africa then!